Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

SWRHA Tender Notice – SW024/03/2023

Reference NumberSW024/03/2023
TitleTender for the Procurement of Nine Hundred (900) Packs of “Meals Ready to Eat” (MRE’s) for the South-West Regional Health Authority.
DescriptionMeals Ready to Eat is a total self-contained complete meal which is the main operational food ration for most Armies across the world. They are also designed to be used during emergencies and disasters by civilians, and they have an extended self-life of over five (5) years. Each package of a MRE is designed to withstand rough conditions and exposure to the outdoor elements and they are light weight and easy to carry.
Contact InformationSecretary of the Tender Committee,
Regional Administrative Centre 1,
Paradise Pasture,
Independence Avenue, San Fernando
Tel: 225-1820, 225-1821 (direct lines). PBX: 225-4325 (Ext 2685, 2630, 2631,2695,2694,2687, 2101)
eTender site:
Publish Date22-03-2023
Expiry Date19-04-2023